Human Psychology in Digital Marketing [2022]

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hands typing on a laptop an article about human psychology

To be successful, digital marketers have to utilize their past experiences, create a diverse plan for conversion and follow up with multiple strategies in order to make the most out of their campaigns. However, not all marketers know about human psychology and how it plays a crucial role in overall website and sales performance. In reality, once you try to engage with buyers the way they’ve hoped effectively and efficiently, you can certainly drive more actions to your website. This involves identifying a consistent pattern or trends and studying what works best for everyone. But how can one pursue this? What is the best strategy to understand consumer psychology in marketing? Let’s begin with the most important factors of psychological marketing.



The Importance of Trust in Human Psychology

In a digital world, scammers, phishers and fake news are everywhere, so there’s a lack of trust in the audience, especially if there’s a new brand in the market. One of the most important components of any relationship is trust, which binds people together and forms loyalty. Once customers trust a business, they are more likely to engage, interact and consume content. Examples of trust include:

  • Reviews and Testimonials
  • Customer stories and pictures
  • Number of social shares and engagement
  • Client logos, featured, As seen on badges
  • Number of subscribers, and more


Emotional Marketing

Most of the time, whenever a customer makes a buying decision – whether it’s about a phone, laptop, car, or everyday items such as groceries – there’s an element of human psychology attached to it. Studies show that when you try to appeal to customer emotions, you’re ultimately at the peak of their psychological needs. So it’s worth remembering that if a customer evokes a positive attitude towards your brand, you’ll most likely build brand loyalty. Use this knowledge to create content that:

  • Spark reaction, engagement, and interest
  • Inspires and engage a conversion

In other words, explaining how a product or service can make a customer’s life better is more successful than just explaining what it is and how it works.


Play with Priming

All of us, at some point in our lives, have played the game of priming – where we say a word and the next person tries to guess it. This process stimulus the audience and they are more likely to pick the right decision at the right time. For example, if someone says the word, “yellow”, and the next options are “banana” or a “boat”. Semantically, people will probably pick banana as it relates to the colour yellow.

The same approach is used in psychological marketing. A well-designed logo, button, menu, header, footer, and other elements of a website can have a long-lasting effect on your customer. Think of the logo of Apple company, whenever people think about the logo, they automatically expect high-quality products and services – that’s because Apple has promoted their products as the best in the market. A great brand can lead visitors towards a path where they remember other things or elements of a website.


Paradox of Choice

There’s a common myth that the more products you have on your website, the more sales you can generate. Giving human psychology the freedom of choice is a good thing. However, too many choices can negatively impact your business and make your audience a bit nervous. Providing people with a limited choice of options reduces stress from their shoulders, which leads to better marketing results. You can use this knowledge to:

  • Give your audience a clear path, to the things they want
  • Emphasise fewer things at a time
  • Create a clear Call to Action

However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t follow the paradox of choice theory altogether. The main job is to recognise what is the best way to utilize it. Take Amazon, for example, they have millions of products but still manage to avoid the paradox of choice and showcase minimum products or categories at the end.


a lamp of human psychology


Human Psychology and Website Aesthetics

While your website design is the first thing that should be inlined and not look too savvy, there’s still always room for adjustment. When people interact with your website, they are mostly dealing with two things; user experience and user interface. In this era of the internet, it is very easy to work your way around with a user interface.

But user experience takes a lot of time and effort. This includes your website navigation, how your images, videos showcase, proper spacing in between elements, CTA’s, style of button, content, etc. Furthermore, a proper user experience not just helps you with the website performance, but is also a good point in terms of SEO Optimization. This can certainly bring relevant traffic to your site.


The Consistency Theory

Small steps lead to big changes” – A term that is tried and tested in psychological marketing. The consistency theory states that if you make small commitments to your customers, they will most likely have your back when you make bigger commitments.

For example, you request your visitors to signup for a newsletter, participate in an event, or make any other small effort – they will most likely take part in the larger commitment e.g, buy a product from you in the future. You can apply this marketing strategy by:

  • Asking your customers their contact details
  • Offer them to signup for the e-book
  • Ask to follow them on social media
  • Invite them to subscribe to a newsletter

Offering these opportunities to customers is one of the best ways to improve engagement and companies ROI.


Human Psychology in Digital Marketing: Conclusion

In conclusion, using consumer psychology in marketing is one of the best ways to improve the success of conveying a strong message to the customers. These points can help you understand your customers, so you can better your results for the next big challenges. Understanding what they want is the key highlight here; instead of bombarding them with information, understanding human psychology can help you make the right decision at the right time.

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Giorgio Chiesa

I'm the Founder & CEO of Globaltech Solutions Sagl, a digital marketing company based in Lugano (Switzerland) and I'm the editor of this tech blog. My mission is to help people providing tech news, reviews and tutorials of the products that I consider essential to be successful in traditional and online entrepreneurship.

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