How to Start a Blog: A Beginner’s Guide

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a laptop with a note showing tips about how to start a blog

How to create a blog? How to start a WordPress blog? Ever wondered how to start a blog and make money from it? We know starting a blog can be a bit terrifying, especially if you’re a newbie… There’s this thing called hosting, SEO Optimization, title, description, and other geeky stuff. Guess’s not that difficult. In fact, if you have already mastered the skills of writing, then you’re halfway there. Next, you just need to customize some things and your blog post is ready to go online.

So, in short, starting a blog post requires dedication, commitment, and only some essential steps. As for dedication and commitment, it’s you who are going to make the most effort, but for the essential part, we’re here to help you. In this guide, we’ll explain how to start blogging, along with some helpful tips to simplify your blogging efforts.



How to Start and Create a WordPress Blog

Firstly, starting a WordPress blog isn’t like writing a book or your thoughts on a piece of paper. As you’re dealing with online stuff, there are some pre-steps that you need to fulfill. So, starting a blog post requires you to run your own website. Sure, you can signup for free hosting as well, but if you really want to progress this, then you need a separate space. We won’t be making this guide that technical, but here are some steps that you need to follow.

  • Get a Domain Name and hosting
  • Set up your hosting account
  • Install WordPress and Theme
  • Customize your theme as much as you like
  • Write and publish your blog post

How to create a blog? After you have your first few posts published, the traffic will start to follow up. From there, you can take the rest and start your online journey. From selling ad space to offering affiliate products, there are dozens of methods you can explore to make money. Now let’s go through the whole process in detail:


Get a Domain Name and Hosting

Domain Name: A domain name is a unique, address that you can use to access your websites, such as ‘’. Users can connect with your website using this domain name.

Web Hosting: A web hosting is a service where you store your website data that allows you to publish it on the internet.


 Check this complete guide on Web Hosting

Check this complete guide on password management systems


How to start a WordPress blog? If you want to create a blog website, you first need to set your priorities. What is your objective to start a blog post? Do you want to run ads? Do you want to affiliate a product on Amazon? The best thing about blogging is, you’re not restricted to just one form of earning. You can run ads on your blogs while also selling affiliate products. But setting your priority, or niche in our case, is a crucial step, as it sets a distinct voice to your audience.

So the first thing is to pick a name for your new blog website, which in our case is the domain name. This is your brand therefore it’s how people will recognize you. And the best way to create a perfect domain name is to brainstorm different ideas and to pick something that falls in the micro-niche category. Aim for 3-5 potential names and see if it’s available on a domain registrar. Some of the prominent domain registrars include: Namecheap, Godaddy, Bluehost etc.

Setup your Hosting Account

Once you buy a domain name for your blog website, next you need to set it live. For this, you can buy a hosting plan from the same company. Pick a package that best suits your need, buy it, and the wizard will guide you on how you can connect your domain and hosting. Most hosting companies offer a very intuitive admin dashboard where you can set up your website. You can also get help from support if in case you’re stuck somewhere.


man typing on a laptop while learning how to start a blog


Install WordPress and Theme

When you sign up for a new hosting, they will automatically install WordPress for you. In case it’s not installed, you can go to your admin cPanel, and install WordPress using the one-click install feature. WordPress has a default theme installed and offers plenty of free themes in the admin dashboard. But it is recommended to install a fresh copy of the theme as it is the first thing that your audience sees when they visit your website. And as per famous saying: First impression is the last impression. So, pick a theme that is easy to navigate, optimized for mobile, and has plenty of features.

Customize your Theme as much as you like

Depending on the theme you have installed, there will be built-in widgets, panels, and customization options that can help you tweak your blog design. Unleash your creativity and make changes that are worth your visitor’s notice. And best of all, you don’t have to write any code to make these changes. Simply install a WordPress page builder plugin and make changes using a drag and drop page interface.

Start and Create a Blog Website: Write and Publish

You’ve got most of the technical and practical tidbits down – now it’s time to start writing and publishing. We’re sure by this point, you have plenty of topics in your mind. Start crafting them and make sure to segment them into audiences that actually want to read. Here are some tips that can help you select a topic:

  • Start with low-competitive keywords, they have a high success rate of ranking on a newer blog
  • Choose a topic you’re knowledgeable and passionate about
  • Google the term to understand your audience, read at least 5 similar blogs to get an idea
  • Make sure to write at least 50 blogposts, in the first phase
  • Visualization is the key, add infographics, images, videos, and gifs to make your content exciting to read
  • Find questions and terms related to that topic
  • Come up with a working title and description
  • Write a capitative intro, because this is where your visitor decides if they want to read further or not
  • Publish and promote your blog post on social media

A good blog post is educational and interesting. It’s a pathway to connect you and your audience so they trust your website and come for more. And when they come for more, you can monetize that traffic and, finally, learn how to make money blogging.


Ready to Start a Blog?

In conclusion, blogging is a fun way to build brand awareness, create curiosity, become a thought-leader and expert in your industry. It allows you to attract qualified leads, boost engagement and increase the conversion rate. Follow the steps we’ve covered to begin publishing your first blog today. Have any questions in mind? Feel free to ask in the comment section.

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Giorgio Chiesa

I'm the Founder & CEO of Globaltech Solutions Sagl, a digital marketing company based in Lugano (Switzerland) and I'm the editor of this tech blog. My mission is to help people providing tech news, reviews and tutorials of the products that I consider essential to be successful in traditional and online entrepreneurship.

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